Longterm Co-Living 2024

at Montaia Basecamp

Apply Now
Jan - Dec 2024
Regenerative Co-living Community
Swall Meadows, California
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Connect. Support. Inspire.

This longterm co-living experience is designed for individuals and couples seeking to spend between 3 to 12 months in a remote setting, surrounded by expansive nature and equally badass community. This is a call for those who feel inspired to engage more fully with the process of dropping into shared presence and embracing the nuances of a simple, connected, high-functioning lifestyle. Our goal is to steward an atmosphere of open & honest communication, service-to-others over service-to-self, and exploration into group dynamics.

During this pod, we will be engaging in self-exploration and co-creation while incorporating various aspects of healthy lifestyle. Together we will be actively “re-thinking community” and collaborating on ways to make co-habitation a skill that we can each carry into our current relationships and future habitation-ships. Our goal is to steward an atmosphere of open & honest communication, service-to-others over service-to-self, and exploration into group dynamics.  

What is most unique about this co-living?

1) Access to super-high-speed Wi-Fi during the work week (fiber optic cable)

2) Remote Location: 30 mins from the closest town, but only 5 mins from national forest

3) Highly curated group of value-aligned peers who love being close to the outdoors & community

4) Shared Lifestyle centered around health-conscious living, outdoor adventures, and supportive relationships

At Montaia Basecamp, we explore how to...

  • Prioritize... living life with intention
  • Value... each other more deeply
  • Thrive... within new environments
  • Gain... control of your health & wellness
  • Cultivate... your relationship with the natural world
  • Deepen... bonds with the humans around you
  • Discover.. new ways of building community
  • Build... more connection with the Earth, the outdoors, and your own wild nature
Join Us

Longterm Co-living

Are you ready to enter into a space of supportive community, self-discipline, and expansive life engagement?  

As a society, we are recognizing more and more the importance of community. The isolation that many of us faced during the lockdowns of 2020-2021 further confirmed our need for more opportunities to work, live, and thrive together as human beings. In fact, you could say that the future of healthy society relies on our ability to learn how to live and grow in community.  

Connection to ourself,
Connection to each other,
Connection to the natural world.  

Apply Now

The Space:
Montaia Basecamp

This regenerative co-living space is designed to facilitate community living experiences. This is a space of true togetherness, where we learn to yield to the field and dance in the rhythms of life's ups and downs, weaving a tapestry of human connection.

Together, we focus on developing healthy relationships with self, with community, and with the wilderness around us.

Quiet Alpine Neighborhood
10 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms
Expansive 70-Mile Views
Cozy Central Fireplace
Private Desks in every room
High Speed Wifi (fiber-optic)
Solar/Regenerative Utilities
Private Spring-fed Well
Community Greenhouse
Family Dining Area
Co-working Space
2 Levels of Living Rooms

The Place:
Eastern Sierra Mountains, CA

Montaia Basecamp is nestled in the heart of the Eastern Sierra. Our back door opens into millions of acres of the Inyo National Forest, one of the most beautiful and wildest wilderness expanses in the country. There are hundreds of trails and world-class rock climbing within an hour’s drive. The closest towns are Mammoth Lakes and Bishop, California.


Activities & Adventures

In addition to a cozy cabin to live and work from, we invite you to come experience the wild ruggedness of the Eastern Sierra Mountains of California.

There are endless opportunities for adventures in the area including local hot springs, skiing/snowboarding, mountain biking, rock climbing, bouldering, thousands of hiking trails, desert sand dunes, alpine lakes for cold plunges, and much more.

At home, we will connect through activities such as community meals, yoga & workout sessions, music jam nights, dance parties, game nights, hot tub star gazing, and monthly skill shares.

Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony
Nature Immersion
Shared Meals
Hot Spring Soaks
Diet & Health Program
Group Camping Trips
Morning Practices
Bouldering & Sport Climbing
Relational Practices
An Ecology of Reciprocity
Day Hikes
Self-Designed Ceremony

Join the community

Weaving a tapestry of connection between humans and the natural world.

Join us.

What to expect

January 1 - December 31st 2024

Montaia Basecamp
Regenerative Co-living Community
Swall Meadows, California

Your Hosts

Kael/a Atleework

Kaela Atleework is an experience designer, a human connection researcher, and an international community builder. She is the co-founder of Montaia Basecamp. When she is not facilitating co-living experiments and guiding group wilderness expeditions, Kaela travels the world studying intersubjective that range all the way from somatics to synergy practices (focused on intimacy and/or group cohesion dynamics).

Sean Shepard

Lead Host & Property Manager

Sean is our resident herbalist, permaculturalist, and property manager, ready to support you in all of your needs, concerns, and questions. Dedicated to the service of others, his plethora of health wisdom and love for nature will guide the explorations of Self, Health, & Happiness. As a former farm owner and a current adventurist, Sean will lead nature walks, mountainside meditations that explores the depth of connection between the human and natural world.

Land Acknowledgement

We recognize and honor that the land that we live upon is the traditional territory of the Numa (Paiute) people. It was first known as Payahǖǖnadǖ, land of flowing water.


How much does it cost?

The rooms range from $800-1650 (depending on size, privacy, and amount of people occupying each of them). Scholarships and discounts available primarily for LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals. See the Montaia Basecamp page for more info.

What if I am totally new to outdoor adventures, is this still a good fit?

The nature of our lifestyle is active. Hiking, climbing, skiing, snowboarding, etc make up the majority of our group adventures, but no one is expected to be an expert. We are always happy to teach and guide enthusiastic beginners.

How long can we stay in the community?

The shortest stay we offer is 30 days. The longest is 12 months (with potential for longterm extension). Applicants who are looking for 3 months or longer stay will be prioritized for cohesion purposes. There will be a mix of local work force and online remote work folks in the community.

Will I have to do my own dishes, laundry, etc?

Yes! There is no maid service at Montaia Basecamp. Your rental fees cover only the cost of your room and basic utilties. You will be asked to participate in maintaining an organized standard within the shared spaces; such as keeping the kitchen clean and easy to use, tidying up after yourself, and engaging in the weekly house cleaning hour.

Join the community

Weaving a tapestry of connection between humans and the natural world.

Join us!