Relating Languages: The Retreat

A Weekend Immersion in the Relating Languages

Apply Now
August 25-27
Deepening our understanding of the Relating Languages
Eastern Sierra Mountains, California
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Relating Languages Retreat

Are you ready to crack the code? In a time where loneliness seems to be the most prolific language, we're all struggling to translate the rich lexicon of human connection. It's as if we're in a bustling city, surrounded by the chatter of diverse dialects, but left without a phrasebook. The result? Misunderstandings, failed connections, and a pervasive sense of disconnection.

What if we told you there's a way to decipher this linguistic labyrinth?

Enter: the Relating Languages!

Join us for a transformative 3-day retreat, masterfully guided by your very own language liaisons, Ari Winters. Imagine immersing yourself in the cryptic world of 'The Relating Languages', an all-encompassing crash course in the secret scripts that dictate our interactions.

During this retreat, you will:

  • Decode your personal relating style with in-depth assessment and identification sessions
  • Share and discover the strengths and shadows of each Relating Language. Be the expert on your own primary Languages, and learn from others on theirs.
  • Get practical, action-based training in navigating and translating diverse dialects of communication
  • Use Authentic Relating Games and other hands-on social technologies to practice your skills, and build community with other attendees
  • Learn how to use the Languages to address conflict, build relationships, and rebalance unhealthy power dynamics.
Join Us

The Relating Languages

The Relating Languages are a new way to conceptualize connection.

Every person can use all of these languages. We gravitate toward one or two, but most of us move between all of them as the situation or relationship demands.

The Relating Languages are a growth-oriented view.

Every Relating Language contains two sub-types, or Dialects. These lie on a spectrum. Towards the middle of each spectrum is a Balanced Dialect, a relational focus where you can maintain attention on both yourself and others while speaking.

relating LanGuages website

The Space:
Montaia Basecamp

This regenerative co-living space is designed to facilitate community living experiences. This is a space of true togetherness, where we learn to yield to the field and dance in the rhythms of life's ups and downs, weaving a tapestry of human connection.

Together, we focus on developing healthy relationships with self, with community, and with the wilderness around us.

Quiet Alpine Neighborhood
10 Bedrooms, 4 Bathrooms
Expansive 70-Mile Views
Cozy Central Fireplace
Private Desks in every room
High Speed Wifi (fiber-optic)
Solar/Regenerative Utilities
Private Spring-fed Well
Community Greenhouse
Family Dining Area
Co-working Space
2 Levels of Living Rooms

The Place:
Eastern Sierra Mountains, CA

Montaia Basecamp is nestled in the heart of the Eastern Sierra. Our back door opens into millions of acres of the Inyo National Forest, one of the most beautiful and wildest wilderness expanses in the country. There are hundreds of trails and world-class rock climbing within an hour’s drive. The closest towns are Mammoth Lakes and Bishop, California.


The Retreat

Consider this your invitation to an exploration of uncharted communication territory. As we turn theory into practice, we’ll help you navigate through the network of nuanced interpersonal interactions in your life, with practices that allow you to customize the content to your own particular situations.

This isn't just a retreat; it's a hands-on, skill-building adventure. We're not looking to change who you are, but to widen your perspective and deepen your understanding of those around you.

Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context
Relational Practices
Nature Immersion
Communication Workshops
Hot Spring Soaks
Morning Practices
Shared Meals
Weaving Shared Context

Join the community!

Get ready to uncover the keys to richer,
more rewarding connections, and ignite relationships
that previously seemed lost in translation.


Join us.

What to expect

August 24-27

Weekend Immersion
Deepening our understanding of the Relating Languages
Eastern Sierra Mountains, California

Your Hosts

Sara Ness

Lead Facilitator

Sara is an instigator of authenticity, facilitator of connection, and awkward turtle of social situations. She has worked with tens of thousands of students in sectors from Google to Mindvalley to Burning Man, facilitating authentic leadership and communication. She is the author of the source text for her field, co-founded and ran two of the longest-running Authentic Relating communities in the world, and built an online platform for connection practices that ran events for more than 1,200 consecutive days.

Her writings and teaching have led to the foundation of 30+ authentic relating communities, performance troupes, nonprofits, several independent businesses, and at least one baby. Passionate about exposing the joy of human connection and exploring our creative potential through relationship, she is most lit up by creating things – projects, books, movements, systems, anything that her heart and brain can chew on at the same time.

Geof Krum

Lead Facilitator

is an artist, producer, facilitator, entrepreneur, and none of these labels. He has managed thousands of employees and volunteers to manifest everything from festivals to juice manufacturing operations. Geof's passion is in creating beautiful, no-bullshit human-centered systems that run themselves while slowly transforming the world. Geof is the Dean of Authentic Revolution’s Facilitation Academy, and producer of KinkEd, an alternative sex education company.

Geof prides himself in the artful coordination of passionate specialists toward common goals.

Stephen Torrence


Stephen Torrence is ​​​​a geeky wizard from Austin, Texas. He has worn many hats over the last decade and a half, accumulating a wide range of skills and experience. His areas of exploration include technical systems design & integration, sustainable community building, interpersonal facilitation (including Authentic Relating and Circling), and classical Buddhist meditation training. Stephen now lives as a digital nomad in Canada and the USA, facilitating relational meditation and working as a technical consultant for multiple conscious businesses.

Kael/a Atleework

Kaela Atleework is an experience designer, a human connection researcher, and an international community builder. She is the co-founder of Montaia Basecamp. When she is not facilitating co-living experiments and guiding group wilderness expeditions, Kaela travels the world studying intersubjective that range all the way from somatics to synergy practices (focused on intimacy and/or group cohesion dynamics).

Land Acknowledgement

We recognize and honor that the land that we live upon is the traditional territory of the Numa (Paiute) people. It was first known as Payahǖǖnadǖ, land of flowing water.


Who is this retreat for?

This retreat is your golden ticket if you're yearning to decode the enigma of human connection. Whether you're a professional seeking a communication upgrade, a teacher striving for deeper resonance with your students, a coach looking to bring new tools to your clients, or simply someone craving more substantial relationships, this journey is curated just for you.

What's in it for me?

By embarking on this retreat, you'll unlock a treasure trove of knowledge and skills on 'The Relating Languages'. You'll gain strategic insights into overcoming communication hurdles, and will be equipped with the skills to build practical and fulfilling connections, especially with those you currently struggle to understand.

How will my day look like?

We promise a stimulating blend of theory sessions, interactive workshops, practical exercises, and serene moments for personal reflection and rejuvenation. A comprehensive schedule will be shared as we draw closer to the retreat date.

What about meals and accommodations?

Absolutely! Your retreat fee covers cozy (shared) accommodation for three nights and all your culinary needs during the retreat. (A limited number of private accommodations are available for a fee) And don’t worry, we’ll do our best to cater to your dietary preferences if we are informed in advance.

Join the community!

Get ready to uncover the keys to richer,
more rewarding connections, and ignite relationships
that previously seemed lost in translation.


Join us!